“Living in Flow” with Sky Nelson-Isaacs

Sky Nelson-Isaacs

Sky Nelson-Isaacs

Sky Nelson-Isaacs is a musician, author and physics educator who is building a foundation for a scientific understanding of synchronicity in our modern world. 

He recently wrote a book called Living in Flow: The Science of Synchronicity and How Your Choices Shape Your World. In this book he skillfully navigates the landscape between new age philosophy and hard science. He is a great science educator who is able to translate complex concepts into accessible and easy to understand language. 

And this conversation is a great example of how he is able to bring clarity to these concepts that are so full of paradox and mystery.

In case you want to learn more about the science of synchronicity check out Sky's YouTube Channel, which includes these videos: "Do Your Actions Have Meaning?" and Timelessness in Special Relativity.

Sky talks in the episode about the LORRAX process, a key concept from his book for living in flow.

Sky talks in the episode about the LORRAX process, a key concept from his book for living in flow.

In this conversation, Sky and I talk about the distinction between making the world the way we want by force of intention, vs. making a clear intention and then letting the universe take care of the work. We discuss how the experiences in our life are a reflection of our choices. We explore the question about whether the universe is inherently friendly or unfriendly, whether it is uncaring or if it is responsive to our intentions. And given the nature of the content, we talk about the tricky dance between scientifically explaining the trippy world of quantum physics and making it personally relevant without slipping into new-age "woo" language.

This conversation gets pretty nerdy and far out, and we talk about some mind-bending stuff. That said this episode is full of useful and interesting information, that you're sure to get a lot out of.

“I see everything that happens in life as a reflection of what we need to learn. And there is enough time for us to learn what we need to learn.”

-Sky Nelson

Sky’s new book Living in Flow is available at www.livinginflowbook.com.

Living in Flow: The Science of Synchronicity and How Your Choices Shape Your World by Sky Isaacs-Nelson

When we align with circumstance, circumstance aligns with us. In his book Sky explains how our choices create meaning, translating current and original ideas from theoretical physics and quantum mechanics into accessible, actionable steps that we can all take to live lives in better alignment with who we are and who we want to be.

Both encouraging and empowering, Living in Flow helps us develop an informed relationship to meaning-making and purposefulness in our lives. From this we can align ourselves more effectively within our personal, professional, and community relationships to live more in flow. Get the book here.

Check out Sky's online course: Living in Flow

Other Resources

Here are links for some of the things we discuss in the episode:

Crystallin Dillion, creator of the T Group which focuses on people showing up in our lives as the right people we need; in order to learn what we need to learn, and whatever they're doing is actually a reflection of what we're bringing to the conversation.

Flammarion engraving which captures the spirit of scientific exploration in this episode.

Flammarion engraving which captures the spirit of scientific exploration in this episode.

Leadership and the New Science by Margaret Wheatley is the bestselling guide to applying the new science to organizations and management. This book describes how the new science radically alters our understanding of the world, and how it can teach us to live and work well together in these chaotic times. =

The Overview Effect is a cognitive shift in awareness reported by some astronauts while viewing the earth from outer space.

Jason Silva is a modern day philosopher. Check out this video: ”The Fear of Being Fully Alive”

Here's an article to learn more about the many worlds theory of quantum physics.

The theologian that I talk about in this episode is Huston Smith. Here is an interview with Smith.

“Science is like a flashlight in the hands of people living in a huge balloon. They can illuminate anything in the balloon, but cannot shine it outside the balloon to see where it is floating - or if it is floating at all.”

- Huston Smith

And as promised in the episode, here are the three calligraphy pieces of Sufi wisdom that Sky and I discuss in the episode (with very roughly paraphrased translations).


“Real Human Being” by Sky Nelson-Isaacs

Stand for Me is Sky Nelson's newest album. It begins with the song “Real Human Being,” which we play at the end of this episode. This song came to Sky in a dream.

Download the full album here: https://skynelson.bandcamp.com/releases